Rope & Rattan

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Create the perfect grouping

The cherry on top of a gorgeous room is a perfectly curated coffee table, mantle, or bookshelf. These areas draw your eye in the right way and help the room feel calm and collected.

To create an ideal grouping, these are the guidelines we use:

  • Rule of Odds - Combining groupings in odd numbers makes them feel even. Seems counterintuitive, but it works. Make sure that you have an odd number of items in your tablescape.

  • Create levels - To create balance, use different heights to accentuate each individual item. The combination of stacks and individual pieces standing or leaning create visual interest.

  • Get personal - Don’t be afraid to have fun. Every item doesn’t have to be purchased new to perfectly fit. Add in a personal item ( a toy, memento, or even a personal drawing) to make it feel unique.

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